Tinsel Trail

Ah, the holiday weekend—a time to revel in festive cheer, not to engage in a high-stakes game of “Will the Fairy Lights Cooperate?” As we embark on the annual quest to transform our homes into winter wonderlands, it’s a mystery why hanging tinsel and arranging ornaments feels akin to orchestrating a space shuttle launch. The untangling of twinkling lights becomes a strategic mission, and the battle against rogue ornament hooks becomes an epic saga. Let’s collectively declare that holiday decorating, though an art form, should be more “sip cocoa and hum along to carols” than “consult NASA for guidance.” So, here’s to tangled tinsel, slightly askew stockings, and a tree that may be leaning more than the Tower of Pisa—may your holiday weekend be filled with joy, laughter, and a touch of the un-rocketable!